Monday, February 3, 2014


Here's my first of many preview reviews, where I'll be watching movie trailers and determining whether or not you (the viewer) should waste your time watching these trailers, like I did.

Preview Under Review: Screwed (2000)

Starring Danny DeVito, Norm MacDonald and David Chapelle.

This trailer is action packed right from the start. Bullets flying and the Italian howling's of Danny D.

Norm Macdonwald is pretty funny in other things that he does, so that's good.

Dave Chapelle is also a funny guy in his stand up comedy routine. He pairs well with Norm in this 2 minute thriller.

These three amigos get themselves into some tricky business regarding a hound and an old lady.

I'll be honest, I didn't finish this particular movie trailer. I found it a bit lengthy. I'm a little unclear on how it all ends.

Overall I loved what I saw. It's a shame it had to end so quickly. I'm not one for cliff hangers. Unless of course they plan on making a trailer for Screwed 2. That would be a treat for all of us and a well deserved follow up, especially for all those dedicated fans who have watched and loved the first trailer.

I'm going to give it a score of 81% out of 100%. I would definitely watch this trailer again. I may even make it to the ending and write another review on it. Like I mentioned earlier, the ending was abrupt, which I didn't care for. Personally, I prefer a nice little re-cap before a film comes to an end. A loving reward to all the viewers who stuck by the trailer's side until the final scene.

I'll be posting links to the trailers that I give superior scores to.

Screwed Trailer Link:


- mikepan